Bees are flying vegetarian insects that collect pollen and nectar. While many bees are black and yellow, some are all black and generally measure one half to three fourth of an inch in length. There are many different kinds of bees: honey bees, carpenter bees and bumble bees among others. Wasps and hornets resemble and can be mistaken for bees, too.


Styrofoam egg

6 chenille stems

White glue

Black paint

Paint brush

Yellow felt or yellow paper

Small wiggle eyes

Small Styrofoam ball (must be smaller than the egg)



  1. Cut ¼” from one side of a Styrofoam egg so the Styrofoam can stand on its side.
  2. Paint the egg and a 1 12” Styrofoam ball black.
  3. Cut ¼” from one end of the ball. Glue the head on the wider end of the egg.
  4. Cut strips of yellow felt and glue them on the back of the egg at intervals so you have alternate stripes of black and yellow. Optional: paint the stripes with yellow paint.
  5. Cut two 3” chenille stems for the antenna; cut two 11” chenille stems for the wings and one 1 1/2” chenille stem for the tail.
  6. Shape the 11” stems into hearts and twist the ends together. Cut small slits or poke holes into the sides of the egg. You may need a utility knife and the help of an adult in order to do this. Push the ends into the sides of the body of the bee. Apply glue into those holes to secure if needed.
  7. Push the tail into the narrow end of the body; add a little glue into that hole, too. Push the antennae into the top of the head; secure with glue. Bend and curl the tops.
  8. Glue eyes on to the face. Optional: paint two eyes with yellow paint.


Delano, Marte Ferguson. National Geographic Kids/Butterflies. Washington DC: National Geographic for Kids.

Greensburg, David T. Bugs! NY: Little, Brown and Company. 1997.

Jackson, Demi.  Guess That Animal! Name That Bug! NY: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2017.

McKissack, Patricia and Frederick. Bugs! Chicago: Children’s Press, 1988.

Parker, Nancy Winslow and Wright, Joan Richards. Bugs. NY: Greenwillow, 1987.

Simon, Seymour. Butterflies. NY: Collins, 2011.

Singer, Marilyn. Caterpillars. Waynesville, MC: Early Light Books, Inc., 2011.

Taylor, Barbara, ed. 1000 Facts on Bugs. NY: Miles Kelly Publishing, 2005.


For more information about honey bees and bumble bees: https://www.mnn.com



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About marion

I first wrote and sketched as a child growing up in Pittsburgh, PA and Brooklyn, New York. I received her first recognition for my creativity when I won the New York City Schools Art Award and participated in my first art exhibit in downtown Manhattan. I was fourteen and a half when I moved to Cyprus with my family. I experienced culture shock but I continued to write about and sketch the sights and sounds of another country and many other things. I am a creative person. I write children's and Young Adult fiction and nonfiction. I write historical and Coming of Age Young Adult novels. I also write picture books and art books for elementary school children. I am in the process of writing a fictionalized biography of a member of the Belgian Resistance who also fought for the US Army during World War II. I worked as a freelance editor for two local companies: College Prowler and SterlingHouse Publisher. I also worked as an assistant literary agent for Lee Shore Agency. I was attending Seton Hill University’s Writing Popular Fiction Program at the time and the experience was invaluable. My course work toward my Master of Arts degree in turn helped me at work. As an assistant literary agent, I reviewed all incoming manuscripts, cultivated a relationship with the writers we contracted and marketed our books to book publishers for sale. I “freelanced” my editing skills which included working with the manuscript acquisitions editor, selecting book covers with the art department, writing the book jacket blurb, reading film scripts and executing general office duties as assigned. Oh, by the way, I edited books, too. I even utilized Adobe InDesign for the editing that I did for College Prowler. I’ve also reviewed published books and conducted research. I have published nonfiction articles and books online and in print. As an artist, I have exhibited my mixed media drawings and collages nationally and regionally and have worked as a freelance designer and calligrapher. I have a BA in Studio Arts from the University of Pittsburgh and a MA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.

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