Tag Archives: shadow puppet

Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Ox

Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Ox
Characters from the Year of the Ox

Characters from the Year of the Ox

The Year of the Ox

Chin, Oliver. The Year of the Ox, Tales of the Chinese Zodiac. San Francisco, CA: Immedium, 2008.

Mama and Papa Ox named their newborn baby, Olivia, and introduced her to all their friends. The farmer’s daughter, Mei, came to see her, too. Mei declared that Olivia was her best friend and adopted sister. After that, Olivia and Mei played together every day.

One day, Mama and Papa Ox decided that Olivia had to learn to do chores and not just play all day long. They showed her the shed where they worked. Olivia was anxious to help with the daily farm chores but she was still too young and too small to do most of them. She messed up at everything she tried to do.

She even messed up when she tried to help at the farmer’s market.

On another day, Mei, her parents, and Mama and Papa Ox, went to work and left Olivia behind. Olivia moped about until she heard a noise outside. The dam had burst and the farm land was quickly flooding, frightening everyone on the farm and in the village.

Olivia searched for Mei and found her hanging from a tree branch. Olivia rescued Mei and the other animals swept away by the rising water. But Mei and Olivia noticed that the bank had begun to buckle. Neither Mei nor Olivia nor the other animals knew what to do.

Then Olivia had an idea. Olivia placed her shoulder against the dike while Mei went to get help. A crack appeared as Olivia waited. She became frantic but she did only what she could do: plug it up with her tail. Olivia pushed against the wall with all her might.

Eventually, Mei, Mei’s family and Mama and Papa Ox arrived with help. The waters receded and Olivia was able to take a breather.

Everyone exclaimed that Olivia and Mei were “the bravest girls in the world.”

Shadow puppets:

Olivia, the ox

Mama Ox

Papa Ox

Mei, a farmer’s daughter

Act out The Year of the Ox for family and friends.

Shadow Theatre

Shadow Theater made of recycled materials


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Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Snake

Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Snake
Characters from the Year of the Snake

Characters from the Year of the Snake


Chin, Oliver. The Year of the Snake, Tales of the Chinese Zodiac. San Francisco, CA: Immedium, Inc, 2013

Suzie, the baby snake, was born to her parents after they awoke from their winter’s nap.

Suzie wanted to fly like the dragons did but her father warned her to stay on the ground.

One day, she was outside exploring her surroundings and met a little girl named Lily. They shared a snack and became friends.

Suzie helped Lily with her chores because she was long and flexible like all snakes. Although Lily’s grandparents didn’t like Suzie at first, they changed their minds when they saw how helpful she was to Lily.

One day, various people in the neighborhood spotted a wild tiger and everyone ran for their lives. But Suzie and Lily confronted the tiger and found out that it was running away from a fire-breathing dragon.

Suddenly, the dragon circled overhead leaving behind a trail of fire and smoke as far as the eye could see.

Suzie’s parents taught her how to shed her skin and she did so now. This enabled her to climb up a tree. She slithered out on a tree limb and waited.

The dragon glided to earth and noticed the snake-skin. Suzie jumped down from the tree and wrapped herself around the dragon’s snout. She stopped the dragon’s fire and the dragon relaxed.

The dragon thanked Suzie for helping her. The dragon wasn’t trying to set anything on fire. She just had an uncontrollable case of the hiccups.

Everyone admired Suzie’s bravery and Lily and Suzie remained friends forever!

Shadow Puppets:

Suzie the snake

Suzie’s parents


Lily,a girl


Act out The Year of the Snake but think of other animals Suzie and Lily can face during their long walks and use them in your shadow play!

Shadow Theatre

Shadow Theater made of recycled materials


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Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Tiger

Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Tiger
The Year of the Tiger

The Year of the Tiger


Chin, Oliver. The Year of the Tiger, Tales from the Chinese Zodiac. San Francisco, CA: Immedium, 2010.

In the mighty jungle, Teddy the tiger was born to the King and Queen.

Teddy loved to play in the forest but his parents warned him to stay away from dangerous animals called humans. This order only roused Teddy’s curiosity. He found out that humans lived on the edge of the forest so he set out to see them for himself.

He walked for a while until he spotted a town. A girl spotted him and screamed, “Tiger!” Heeding the warning, Teddy scampered back to the jungle.

Curious about the girl, Su, Teddy returned to the town the next day. He noticed a barn and looked inside. Su was feeding the sheep and the pig. With a toothy grin, Teddy shouted, “Good morning!” and scared all the barnyard animals.

Su gave him a bowl of mild and introduced herself.  Scared, Teddy ran way but Su’s mama saw Teddy. She warned all the neighbors that a tiger was roaming the village. This situation caused all the other tigers in the jungle to find a new home.

Teddy decided to see Su one last time and say goodbye before his family moved away. Her dog’s barking warned Su’s parents that a tiger was on their farm and they chased him into the jungle. This time, though, Su followed him and they explored the jungle together.

Both Su and Teddy’s whereabouts were unknown to their parents. The King and Queen and Su’s mother and father were looking for them at the same time.

As Su walked through the jungle she accidentally stepped on a snake, slipped and fell over a ledge. Teddy leaped forward, roaring. Teddy’s claws clutched the dangling branches of a tree while his teeth held on to Su. Su hung on to his tail as he pulled her up and climbed up over the ledge.

Teddy’s act of courage brought the two families together in a long-lasting friendship.

Shadow Puppets:

Teddy, the tiger

Teddy’s parents,the King and Queen

Su, a girl

Su’s parents




Act out The Year of the Tiger for your friends and family!

Shadow Theatre

Shadow Theater made of recycled materials

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Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Rabbit

Tales of the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Rabbit


Chin, Oliver. The Year of the Rabbit, Tales of the Chinese Zodiac. San Francisco, CA: Immedium, 2011.

Rosie was born to Mama and Papa Rabbit. Rosie had soft, hazel-colored fur and long ears. She could hear everything with them.

Rosie came from a large family. She loved to play in the grassy meadow with her siblings and cousins.

One day, they discovered a large vegetable garden tended by a woman and a child, PoPo and Jai. The rabbits dug a hole under the gate that surrounded the garden, burrowing until they reached vegetables

PoPo and Jai spotted them and chased after them. The others got away but Rosie’s ears got stuck under the gate. PoPo caught Rosie but Jai persuaded her to let him keep Rosie as a pet.

Jai filled a bed of hay in a wooden hutch in the barn and gave her lettuce to eat. Curious neighbors came to see Rosie the next day to meet her and see if the tales about rabbits were really true.

Rosie enjoyed her new friends but missed her family.

One night, Rosie’s parents came to rescue her. Papa unlocked the gate but Jai heard the commotion. He and his dog ran after Rosie, startling a tiger sleeping in the bushes.

The dog ran away when he saw the tiger chasing Jai into the woods. Rosie raced through the tunnel that led to her house and out into the forest.

Just as the tiger was about to pounce on Jai, Rosie popped out of a hole and pulled the tiger by the tail. She grabbed Jai and they ran until they found a large log to hide behind.

The tiger looked and looked for them until it spotted a pair of ears sticking up behind a log. It grabbed the ears with its claws but the ears didn’t belong to a rabbit. The ears belonged to a dragon!

The dragon didn’t like its ears being pulled and chased after the tiger with his fire-breathing tongue for mile and miles!

Rosie and Jai and their families breathed easier. From then on, Jai and Rosie became best friends.

Shadow Puppets:

Rosie, the rabbit

Jai, a boy


Mamma Rabbit

Pappa Rabbit

PoPo, a woman



Act out the Year of the Rabbit for your friends and family. What animals other than a dragon and a tiger can Rosie and Jai run away from?

Shadow Theatre

Shadow Theater made of recycled materials

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Tales from the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Dragon

Tales from the Chinese Zodiac: The Year of the Dragon
Characters from the Year of the Dragon

Characters from the Year of the Dragon


Chin, Oliver. The Year of the Dragon, Tales of the Chinese Zodiac. San Francisco, CA: Immedium, 2012

In a mountainous cave, two dragons tended their first egg. Slowly, it began to crack until a baby dragon emerged. The parents named him Dominic and introduced him to the Emperor and the Empress and their court.

“Remember,” they told him, “dragons are special.”

Dragons could do things others couldn’t: play ping-pong, pick oranges and roast marshmallows.

One day, Bo invited Dominic to his swimming party. Across the river, a team of villagers were practicing for the big boat race. No one wanted to teach Dom, Bo and their friends how to row but the kind Emperor lent them his spare canoe.

The friends tipped it over on their first try. Everyone along the river watched and laughed at them.  Undaunted, Dom had an idea.

Dom turned himself into a dragon boat and the friends practiced diligently.

Finally, the day of the festival arrived. Dom and his friends were ready for the race. Dom made himself straighter than an arrow, making them faster than all the other boats except the Imperial boat. One last push and Dom and his friends surged through the Dragon Gate.

The race was close. Who won? The judges decided that Dom and his friends won by a nose!

Shadow Theatre

Shadow Theater made of recycled materials

Shadow Puppets:



Dominic the dragon

Bo, a boy



Act out The Year of the Dragon. What other races can Dom, Bo and their friends compete and win? Do they prove that dragons are really special?


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