Pythagoras and Karmic Numbers: #10

Pythagoras and Karmic Numbers: #10
Karmic Number 10

Karmic Number 10


MORE ON NUMEROLOGY is the Science of Numbers (and its relationship to names). Numbers symbolize the meaning of our lives and its challenges and potentials.There are sets of numbers that are unique to you which Lagerquist and Lenard call your “cosmic code.” (Lagerquist and Lenard, 1999, p.10) The most important numbers are the core numbers which include your life path number, destiny number, soul number, personality number and maturity number.

The primary numbers as developed by the 6th century B.C.E.Greek mystic and mathematician, Pythagoras, are the numbers 1 through 9. However, there are other number combinations that impact our understanding of ourselves including Master Numbers and Karmic Numbers.

Karmic Numbers:

The Karmic numbers are: 10, 13, 14, 16, and 19.

First Karmic number: 10 (Read below.)


What is Karma? Karma (good and bad) is often explained as our thoughts and actions of the past which show up in the present. These patterns of thought and action are often repeated over many life times.

Karmic Lessons:

What are karmic numbers? They are numbers missing from your birth name that represent experiences you didn’t have or didn’t master in your past life. They are numbers that represent life lessons that haven’t been learned…yet.

Each karmic number identifies a specific action or thought that you must learn in this lifetime or the pattern will repeat itself in the next life and the next life until you do.

Karmic Debt:

In our past lives, some of us were selfish, greedy, lazy cruel to others, abusive, or irresponsible.  Our present life gives us the chance to repent and redress our past negative actions.

Karmic numbers explain these negative behaviors.To counter these past actions, it is important that we learn new behaviors and thoughts in this life because we didn’t learn them in our past life. Negative patterns continuously repeat themselves until they are reversed into positive behaviors.

The karmic debt numbers are: 13, 14, 16, and 19. They represent specific thought or actions that we must learn in the present life so that we may redress past grievances.

If karmic numbers are found in your birthday, life path, destiny or soul numbers it is likely that negative behaviors affected your past life or lives and that you are here in this lifetime to make amends for those behaviors. (The bibliography below explains the five core numbers: destiny, life path, soul, maturity and personality numbers.)

Number 10:

The karmic number 10 is the number of rebirth: you paid off the karmic debt and a new cycle is beginning. Indicating a misuse of power in the past, in this life you are encouraged to be an inspiring leader. (The number 10 reduces to the number 1 which symbolizes new beginnings (Lenard and Lagerquist, 1999, p. 179 – 185).


Lagerquist, Kay. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Numerology. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books, 1999.

Hay, Louise L. Colors and Numbers, Your Personal Guide to Positive Vibrations in Daily Life. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2010.

Millman, Don. The Life You Were Born to Live. Tiburon, CA: H. J. Kramer/New World Library, 1993.

Vogel, Christopher. The Writer’s Journey; Mythic Structures for Story tellers and Screenwriters. Studio City, CA: M. Wiese Productions 1998.

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About marion

I first wrote and sketched as a child growing up in Pittsburgh, PA and Brooklyn, New York. I received her first recognition for my creativity when I won the New York City Schools Art Award and participated in my first art exhibit in downtown Manhattan. I was fourteen and a half when I moved to Cyprus with my family. I experienced culture shock but I continued to write about and sketch the sights and sounds of another country and many other things. I am a creative person. I write children's and Young Adult fiction and nonfiction. I write historical and Coming of Age Young Adult novels. I also write picture books and art books for elementary school children. I am in the process of writing a fictionalized biography of a member of the Belgian Resistance who also fought for the US Army during World War II. I worked as a freelance editor for two local companies: College Prowler and SterlingHouse Publisher. I also worked as an assistant literary agent for Lee Shore Agency. I was attending Seton Hill University’s Writing Popular Fiction Program at the time and the experience was invaluable. My course work toward my Master of Arts degree in turn helped me at work. As an assistant literary agent, I reviewed all incoming manuscripts, cultivated a relationship with the writers we contracted and marketed our books to book publishers for sale. I “freelanced” my editing skills which included working with the manuscript acquisitions editor, selecting book covers with the art department, writing the book jacket blurb, reading film scripts and executing general office duties as assigned. Oh, by the way, I edited books, too. I even utilized Adobe InDesign for the editing that I did for College Prowler. I’ve also reviewed published books and conducted research. I have published nonfiction articles and books online and in print. As an artist, I have exhibited my mixed media drawings and collages nationally and regionally and have worked as a freelance designer and calligrapher. I have a BA in Studio Arts from the University of Pittsburgh and a MA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.

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